Stay Hypertension Free with the help of Organique Acai Premium Blend.
Normal blood pressure is essential for surviving a healthy life. No oxygen or nutrients will be delivered to the tissues without the pressure that forces our blood to flow around the circulatory system. Unfortunately, despite its importance, it is being overlooked by many people.
What is blood pressure?
Blood pressure is the force of blood flowing from our hearts through our arteries to the rest of our bodies. Our muscles and other organs require the proper amount of oxygenated blood to function properly. Two numbers frequently represent it: the first, known as the systolic number, shows the pressure when the heart contracts, while the second, known as the diastolic number, show your blood pressure when your heart relaxes between beats.
According to the American Heart Association, normal blood pressure is between 120 and 80. In contrast, high blood pressure occurs when your systolic blood pressure is 130 or higher, and your diastolic blood pressure is 80 or higher. According to the World Health Organization, you are hypertensive if your first number is 140 or higher and/or your second number is 90 or higher on two different days.
High blood pressure is also known as Hypertension. Although it is considered a “silent killer,” it increases our chances of getting diabetes, heart disease, heart failure, stroke, and kidney failure.
Did you know that almost 37 percent of Filipinos are hypertensive? Thus the second-leading cause of morbidity in the Philippines as of 2018. If you eat a high-fat, high-sugar diet, are physically inactive, or smoke, you are more likely to have Hypertension.
To help prevent Hypertension, you can try replacing chips and candies for snacks with fruit and processed meats with fresh fish and eggs. It is also recommended to become active and do exercise regularly. Even at home, we can try activities like yoga or walking workouts to compensate for sitting time. Remember to take breaks from time to time to avoid becoming stressed, and check your blood pressure regularly!
Let’s admit it, living life in a healthy way is most of the time difficult. Why? Simply because we are surrounded by unhealthy foods, delicious food that is unhealthy but very tempting. But there is a way to beat those temptations. You can still eat delicious foods and unhealthy foods sometimes but have a supplement that would help you achieve a healthy body. Organique Acai Premium Blend is a supplement that will give you extra protection from different kinds of diseases and build a healthy body.
Take a shot of Organique Acai Premium Blend 30 minutes before breakfast and say goodbye to Hypertension!
You can strengthen your defense against Hypertension by eating foods high in anthocyanins, which have anti-inflammatory properties and help relax your blood vessels and improve blood circulation. The Organique Acai Premium Blend can give this nutrient to you!
Hypertension is not a joke. Take this supplement seriously!
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