Tree Troubles: The Root Cause of Central Negros Brownouts
Negros Power is sounding the alarm on the primary culprit behind the frequent power interruptions plaguing Central Negros: Tree branches. According to the power distributor, a staggering 90% of brownouts in the region can be attributed to this pesky problem.
The issue is more complex than simply overgrown vegetation. When a tree branch contacts a power line, it triggers a protective mechanism, disconnecting the entire feeder breaker. This leaves thousands of consumers in the dark. Due to the extensive length of the feeder lines, locating the exact point of contact can be time-consuming, often taking hours.
While Negros Power’s line teams are working tirelessly to trim back encroaching branches, it’s a temporary fix at best. The utility provider acknowledges that the only sustainable solution is a comprehensive overhaul of the power distribution system.
The transition from CENECO to Negros Power began last August 1 in preparation for the upcoming takeover next month. When Negros Power formally takes over, they plan to install the following;
- Automatic circuit reclosers on all 43 feeder lines
- Upgrading to insulated cables
- Install load brake switches
- Sectionalize cut-outs
These measures aim to prevent power interruptions caused by vegetation and minimize their duration.
However, these improvements require substantial time and resources. Negros Power is appealing for the public’s understanding and cooperation as they work towards a more reliable power supply.
A Call for Patience and Understanding
The issue of tree branches causing frequent brownouts in Central Negros is a complex one that requires a multifaceted solution. While Negros Power is committed to addressing the problem through infrastructure upgrades, the process will take time. In the meantime, residents are urged to exercise patience and understanding as the utility company works diligently to improve the power situation in the region.
Also, by tackling the root cause of the problem and investing in modern technology, Negros Power aims to usher in a new era of uninterrupted power for the region. While it may take time to reap the full benefits of these initiatives, the long-term outlook for Central Negros’ power supply appears promising.
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